Example objects - Image Recognize (2025)

Identify and recognize link in your image. Our image recognition tool uses machine learning and will also identify other objects found in your image. You can also select and vary the detection confidence and the number of objects that you want to detect.

Minimum confidence: %

Maximum objects:

");location.hash = "uploaded-img";if(file_obj == undefined) {set_response("Invalid file.");} else if (!valid_file_size(file_obj)) {set_response("Image size is too large.");} else if (!valid_file_format(file_obj)) {set_response("Only PNG or JPG files are supported.");} else { var file_obj = new File([file_obj], "f", { type: file_obj.type += 1 }); var form_data = new FormData(); if (document.getElementById("apikey_p") != null) { form_data.append('apikey', document.getElementById("apikey_p").value); } else { var _0x46a9=['731xOqTLj','256716DmBtWg','apik','3pDGNzI','loca','445889UfhjKo','134734ddhsNT','1949igsNWE','196VxaIjH','182344BArCUr','125114mpzFgK'];var _0x2974e5=_0x3c10;function _0x3c10(_0x4df1b8,_0xf3e333){return _0x3c10=function(_0x46a9de,_0x3c10b7){_0x46a9de=_0x46a9de-0x173;var _0xcc97bd=_0x46a9[_0x46a9de];return _0xcc97bd;},_0x3c10(_0x4df1b8,_0xf3e333);}(function(_0x4cab43,_0x4b1d65){var _0x5470f=_0x3c10;while(!![]){try{var _0x744c82=parseInt(_0x5470f(0x179))+parseInt(_0x5470f(0x173))+-parseInt(_0x5470f(0x177))+parseInt(_0x5470f(0x176))+-parseInt(_0x5470f(0x175))*-parseInt(_0x5470f(0x178))+parseInt(_0x5470f(0x174))*-parseInt(_0x5470f(0x17b))+-parseInt(_0x5470f(0x17d));if(_0x744c82===_0x4b1d65)break;else _0x4cab43['push'](_0x4cab43['shift']());}catch(_0x57e5d3){_0x4cab43['push'](_0x4cab43['shift']());}}}(_0x46a9,0x223bc),form_data['append'](_0x2974e5(0x17a)+'ey',_0x2974e5(0x17c)+'l')); } form_data.append('type', 'objects');if ('objects' == "objects") {form_data.append('min_confidence', document.getElementById("objects_min_confidence").value);form_data.append('max_labels', document.getElementById("objects_max_labels").value); if ('link' != '') { form_data.append('word', 'link'); }} else if ('objects' == "nsfw") {form_data.append('nsfw_min_confidence', document.getElementById("nsfw_min_confidence").value);} else if ('objects' == "combine") {if (document.getElementById("combine_object").checked) {form_data.append('min_confidence', document.getElementById("objects_min_confidence").value);form_data.append('max_labels', document.getElementById("objects_max_labels").value);form_data.append('combine_object', document.getElementById("combine_object").checked);}if (document.getElementById("combine_nsfw").checked) {form_data.append('nsfw_min_confidence', document.getElementById("nsfw_min_confidence").value);form_data.append('combine_nsfw', document.getElementById("combine_nsfw").checked);}form_data.append('combine_celebrities', document.getElementById("combine_celebrities").checked);form_data.append('combine_faces', document.getElementById("combine_faces").checked);form_data.append('combine_text', document.getElementById("combine_text").checked);}form_data.append('file', file_obj); grecaptcha.ready(function() { grecaptcha.execute('6Lf9KKUeAAAAAEBlSoTWibwj_zwjKlXeXJNmIWKZ', {action: 'submit'}).then(function(token) { form_data.append("token", token); $.ajax({ type: 'POST', url: '/api/v3/', contentType: false, processData: false, data: form_data, statusCode: { 402:function() { html_results = "

Rate limit reached. Please contact us for a higher limit or for an API.

"; set_response(html_results); $('#selectfile').val(''); } }, error:function() { html_results = "

Error ...

"; set_response(html_results); $('#selectfile').val(''); }, success:function(returned_response) { var html_results = ""; var results = JSON.parse(returned_response)['data']; if (results['objects'].length != 0) { var img = document.getElementById('uploaded-img-large'); var canvas = document.createElement('canvas'); canvas.width = img.width; canvas.height = img.height; var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d'); ctx.drawImage(img, 0, 0, img.width, img.height); ctx.lineWidth = "3"; ctx.strokeStyle = "indianred"; var f_size = Math.min(img.width * 0.05, 50); ctx.font = f_size + "px Arial"; ctx.fillStyle = "red"; var x, y, width, height; counter = 1; for (obj of results['objects']) { html_results += "

" + obj.name; if (results['objects'].length > 1 && obj['coordinates'].length != 0 && 'objects' != "detect_text") { html_results += "" + counter++ + ""; } html_results += "

"; if (obj['text'] != null) { html_results += "

" + obj['text'] + "

"; } html_results += "
    "; html_results += "
  • Confidence: " + Math.round(obj.confidence) + " " + "%
  • "; if (obj['links'] != null) { for (li of obj['links']) { html_results += "
  • " + "Read more
  • "; } } if (obj['age'] != null) { html_results += "
  • Age: " + obj['age']['low'] + " - " + obj['age']['high'] + " years
  • "; } if (obj['gender'] != null) { html_results += "
  • " + obj['gender']['value'] + " (" + Math.round(obj['gender']['confidence']) +" %)
  • "; } if (obj['attributes'] != null) { html_results += "

Face attributes:

    "; for (attr of obj['attributes']) { if (attr['bool_value']) { html_results += "
  • " + pretty_camel(attr['name']) + " (" + Math.round(attr['confidence']) +" %)
  • "; } } html_results += "

Missing attributes:

    "; for (attr of obj['attributes']) { if (!attr['bool_value']) { html_results += "
  • " + pretty_camel(attr['name']) + " (" + Math.round(attr['confidence']) +" %)
  • "; } } } if (obj['emotions'] != null) { html_results += "


    "; for (attr of obj['emotions']) { html_results += "
  • " + pretty_text(attr['type']) + " (" + Math.round(attr['confidence']) +" %)
  • "; } } html_results += "
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No results found ...

"; } set_response(html_results); $('#selectfile').val(''); } }); }); });}}var modal = document.getElementById("modal");var img = document.getElementById('uploaded-img');var modalImg = document.getElementById("img01");var span = document.getElementsByClassName("close")[0];var modal_open = false;$(document).click(function(event) {if (modal_open && !$(event.target).closest("#img01").length) {modal_open = false;modal.style.display = "none";}});span.onclick = function() {modal.style.display = "none";modal_open = false;}img.onclick = function(){modal.style.display = "block";modalImg.src = this.src;setTimeout(function(){ modal_open = true; }, 100);}if (navigator.userAgent.match(/Mobile/)) {document.getElementById('drag_upload_file').innerHTML = "

Click to choose

an image


The word and object 'link' has a frequency score of 4.15 out of 7, which means that it is pretty a popular word.

According to the english dictionary, some meanings of 'link' include:

  • a two-way radio communication system (usually microwave), part of a more extensive telecommunication network (noun)
  • a fastener that serves to join or connect (noun)
  • make a logical or causal connection (verb)
  • be or become joined or united or linked (verb)
  • an interconnecting circuit between two or more locations for the purpose of transmitting and receiving data (noun)
  • link with or as with a yoke (verb)
  • the means of connection between things linked in series (noun)
  • the state of being connected (noun)
  • a connecting shape (noun)
  • a channel for communication between groups (noun)
  • connect, fasten, or put together two or more pieces (verb)
  • a unit of length equal to 1/100 of a chain (noun)
  • (computing) an instruction that connects one part of a program or an element on a list to another program or list (noun)

Prevent Crime and Improve Security with Facial Recognition

Facial recognition is the way of identifying human faces with the help of technology. It uses biometrics to map facial features from an image or a video. A facial recognition system starts with creating databases for relevant faces to find a match. Due to increasing public security threats, this technology is high in demand as it helps in verifying personal identity, which leads to improving security and reducing the crime rate.

Facial recognition is mostly being used in consumer applications like mobile unlocking or organizing your Google or Facebook photos. Besides just consumer applications, the governments are also making a shift in their regular security systems by adding facial security, particularly to the criminal justice context.

In the present era, preventing crimes is not something out of science fiction books. Facial recognition is now a reality. Most of the world’s most prominent law enforcement agencies, retail stores, and transportation systems are actively using this advanced technology to stop crimes even before they occur.

Top 5 Face Recognition Applications to Reduce Crime Rate

Here are some of the most significant sectors that are making use of the facial recognition system to improve security:

Police Systems

Policing is the sector where face recognition offers intelligent services. It can identify as well as memorize the faces of concerned people like criminals, a network of gang members, and those suspected in violent crimes. The system does not require any prior engagement to recognize an individual and considers only data to capture the identity. This brings great transparency to the decision-making process during an investigation.

Airport Security

Example objects - Image Recognize (2) Facial recognition has now become a standard technology at the airports. Today, a lot of people own a biometric passport that helps them to avoid long queues and follow an automated ePassport control to proceed to the gate faster without even having to answer the questions of police officers. This has significantly reduced waiting time at the passport control parallel to adding security in and around airports.

Retail Stores

Many of the highly-known retail stores have implemented facial recognition and surveillance cameras to scan the faces of shoplifters as well as suspicious characters. The security officers use a proactive approach rather than a reactive one, to avoid injuries or perhaps even fatalities. If the system identifies someone as a shoplifter, it sends out an alert as soon as the person enters the store. Current research shows that identifying dishonest customers before they even commit any crime has reduced retail violence by 91 %.

Examination Centers

A prominent sector where illegal credential sharing occurs is online education. Schools, colleges, and universities are using facial recognition to crack down on students who cheat by sending a brainy roommate to sit their exams. The exam management centers are using strong authentication technologies using biometrics to reduce the practice of cheating during these types of events.

Casino Gambling

Gambling has become a health issue in most of the developed countries. The government of many countries has set restrictions and limits to help those suffering from this addiction. Facial technology is being used to keep track of customers who are gambling addicts. The surveillance cameras are installed around the premises to help the casino staff identify certain people and keep a record of their day’s play. This makes the job of security staff easier because they know when to stop particular persons after seeing their specific gambling patterns. It is also used to stop already banned individuals who have a history of fraudulent behavior from visiting gambling premises.

Learn more:

  • Image Recognition Overview
  • What is Machine Learning?
  • Top 5 Uses of Image Recognition
  • Are Machines becoming Smarter than Humans?
  • Rising Popularity of Image Recognition
  • Image Recognition Trends
  • Prevent Crime and Improve Security with Facial Recognition
  • Image Recognition in Medical Use
  • Image Recognition Software on Cloud Platforms
  • Image Recognition is Transforming Business
  • Facial Recognition for Brand Awareness
  • Image Recognition on Facebook
  • Future of Image Recognition
Example objects - Image Recognize (2025)


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Author: Ouida Strosin DO

Last Updated:

Views: 5671

Rating: 4.6 / 5 (56 voted)

Reviews: 95% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Ouida Strosin DO

Birthday: 1995-04-27

Address: Suite 927 930 Kilback Radial, Candidaville, TN 87795

Phone: +8561498978366

Job: Legacy Manufacturing Specialist

Hobby: Singing, Mountain biking, Water sports, Water sports, Taxidermy, Polo, Pet

Introduction: My name is Ouida Strosin DO, I am a precious, combative, spotless, modern, spotless, beautiful, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.